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OxygenCeuticals Official Blog / Uncategorized

6 Fluids for Customized At-home Skincare - OxygenCeuticals

6 Fluids for Customized At-home Skincare

Everybody wants skin glowing from within. What can help us to have it? Let’s start with choosing the right skincare products for your skin type. There are 6 kinds of Fluids in OxygenCeuticals’ product line. Each Fluid is targeting different skin types and skin concerns. If you are struggling with dry skin, you must concentrate […]
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Oxygen Waterful Lifting with HiFULDM - OxygenCeuticals

Oxygen Waterful Lifting with HiFULDM

The skin starts aging from around the mid-20s. Although people say aging is natural for all living things but anti-aging has been a long-cherished wish from ancient times. Of course, many people still want to stop aging, at least slow down the aging. Thanks to the beaming progress of science technology, we can rewind the […]
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OxygenCeuticals Ceutisome V Lifting Protocol - OxygenCeuticals

OxygenCeuticals Ceutisome V Lifting Protocol

There are many types of skin concerns as the change of people’s lifestyle, environmental, etc… ​And the skin types are getting complicated like dry& aging, oily & acne-prone, sensitive. In this case, we have to cure the fundamental reason for these kinds of skin concerns. Here are the OxygenCeuticals’ unique skincare protocol, Ceutisome™ V Lifting […]
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Lock the Moisture, Unlock your Beauty - OxygenCeuticals

Lock the Moisture, Unlock your Beauty

Dry skin can accelerate the aging of the skin. Chronic dry skin easily wrinkles and loses skin elasticity. To prevent this wrinkle formation and loss of firmness of the skin, people try to hydrate the skin more and more. However, many of them still complain about it. Why? What is the actual reason for the […]
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Soothe and Repair your skin with PP Line - OxygenCeuticals

Soothe and Repair your skin with PP Line

Dry and cracking skin. Caused by cold wind and wearing mask continuously make skin stressful. Not only Redness but also itching and stinging sensation bothers us. So, this hypersensitive and damaged skin definitely needs soothing and regenerative treatment. In fact, there are so many skincare products that feature their soothing effect. Then how about the […]
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Help my Skin, Vitamin Serum Trio! - OxygenCeuticals

Help my Skin, Vitamin Serum Trio!

Even though it is the end of January, the weather is still cold. The cold weather decreases our body’s activeness. Thus, our immune system gets lose its power. Having a cold or overreacting to some specific allergens can be symptoms of weaken immunity. Like our body shows several symptoms, our skin does the same thing. […]
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Key to Enter the Golden Age of Skin, Golden Jojoba Oil - OxygenCeuticals

Key to Enter the Golden Age of Skin, Golden Jojoba Oil

The weather of the winter season can be defined with 2 words, coldness and dryness. It is time to moisturize your skin. There are many kinds of moisturizers but it is not enough particularly in this extremely dry season. Thus, beauty experts recommend people suffering from super-dry skin use a facial oil to seal moisture […]
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